Alexis Mena

Alexis Mena is a two-spirited multidisciplinary farmer, chef, and artist, born in Brooklyn, New York who identifies as Afro-Taino. For the past 8 years, Alexis has focused on facilitating programming and workshops with a focus on culturally-centered urban farming practices, nutritional culinary arts programming, and public art curricula with the Brooklyn Museum, the MoCADA, Groundswell, […]
Pantaleon Florez III

Pantaleon is a farmer, chef, and the sole operator of Maseualkualli Farms – a no-till, no fossil fuel cultivation farm in Lawrence, Kansas. He grows seasonal produce for restaurants and farmers markets, and hopes to do so soon for culturally specific grocery stores. Specialty crops include traditional Mexica ingredients such as papalotl, pipiche, Mexican tarragon, […]
Lorig Hawkins

Lorig Hawkins is the owner and operator of Middle Ground Farm, a 30 acre organic vegetable farm. She was one of the co-founders of the Central Texas Young Farmers Coalition, which started as a small grassroots organization in the fall of 2013. In 2017, Lorig was awarded a Texas Department of Agriculture Young Farmer grant, […]
Dare Arowe

dare arowe (she/her) is a mixed Black femme grower, instigator, and culinary historian growing and cooking resistance food for the people on one acre within the ancestral lands of the Big Valley Pomo in Northern California. With an expansive curiosity about cultures and the foods that define them, dare began working her way through the […]
Kelly Skillingstead

Kelly is a worker-owner of Long Hearing Farm, a 3-person rural worker’s co-op and certified organic farm with a commitment to growing food as if the lives of kids in our communities matter. They grow organic vegetables on about two acres and feed families in the Skagit and Stillaguamish valleys in the foothills of the […]
Justin “MasterPeace” Nickelson

Justin “MasterPeace” Nickelson is a native of Durham, North Carolina currently residing in Atlanta, Georgia where he is community garden manager at HABESHA, Inc.’s Community Garden. A passion for sustainable living practices, community outreach, and environmental stewardship fuels Justin’s work and service aligning with his divine purpose. Prior to his urban agricultural and green infrastructure […]
Tara Rodríguez Besosa

Tara Rodríguez Besosa is one of the creators behind El Departamento de la Comida (IG: @eldepartamentodelafood), a grassroots collective in Borikén (the U.S. colony of Puerto Rico) that works with small farmers and the queer community, decolonizing agricultural practices and supporting the exchange of powerful plant knowledge in food, medicine, and culture. Through the creation […]
Martha Huizar

Martha Huizar, MS, RDN, CLC, CCHC, is the founder and co-owner of Martha’s City Farm, a biodiverse micro urban farm with a mission to produce the highest quality products, services, and foods for her community. Martha is part of a family first, but is also an active member of the Arizona community, an urban farmer, […]
Alicia del Aguila

Alicia studied art for many years. She came to the United States at a young age and was told by her teachers that she needed to pursue art. But when she could not continue studying in college, she made a shift in her life and began to volunteer with different organizations. She also got involved […]
Ashley Alvarez

Ashley is Unangax̂, Black, and Filipina. Ashley grew up in Bellingham, Washington with her grandparents and was involved in her local Unangax/Aleut community through a Unangan dance group, Sngagim Axasniikangin (Dream Dancers). As a first generation college student and Gates Millennium Scholar, she attended Western Washington University and earned a Bachelor’s of Arts in Human […]