Policy change is necessary for a radical future.

We’ve seen grassroots policy advocacy dismantle inequitable policies and democratize political participation. We work strategically to contribute to these hard-won policy victories. As farmers and advocates we lead with our shared values without compromising on core principles. We believe policy change requires work and dialogue, and we fight to ensure our advocacy does not obstruct the realization of the radical vision in which farming serves the public interest.
Policy presents many of the most impactful opportunities to help young farmers and ranchers. We believe we can help drive necessary transformations by centering the voices of farmers most marginalized from policy making processes, equitably resourcing and training farmer leaders across the country, and advocating for farmer-driven, equitable and intersectional policy recommendations in service of both incremental and radical change.

Young Farmer Policy Agenda

There is incredible opportunity and power to be explored and directed in the Farm Bill. 

This legislation—the government’s primary food and agriculture policy tool—is our last best chance to ensure equitable land access, racial equity, climate justice, farmer mental health, and USDA access and accountability are all truly addressed for the next generation of farmers and ranchers.

Learn more about our Farm Bill priorities here.

Young farmers deserve equitable land access.

Access to land is the number one challenge facing the next generation of farmers in the United States, and centuries of discrimination and dispossession have put this resource out of reach of farmers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in particular.

With millions of acres on the verge of changing hands and leaving agriculture forever, the 2023 Farm Bill—the primary food and agriculture policy tool of the U.S. government—is our last chance to ensure this land transitions equitably to the next generation.

Learn more here.

The damaging effects of climate change on agriculture are escalating, and the time to act is now.

We are working for comprehensive climate legislation and administrative action that provides resources to the young farmers and farmers of color who are and will combat climate change and build resiliency on their farms across the country. We do this through farmer-led policy reform, climate advocacy and education, and collaborative and transformative partnerships with peer organizations and allies.

Learn more here.

The future of agriculture depends on water.
Our water systems should foster vibrant agricultural communities, healthy ecosystems, and water justice for indigenous communities and other people of color. Public policy should protect water for agriculture, support on-farm conservation that can conserve and protect clean water resources, and ensure access to clean drinking water.
The National Young Farmers Coalition works across our network to protect water for agriculture, promote the good stewardship of that water, assist farmers and ranchers in adapting to drought and climate change, and provide young farmers and ranchers the resources they need to enter roles of water leadership.

Learn more here.

We are farmers in solidarity with farm workers.

The future of agriculture in this country is interconnected to immigration and labor issues. Immigrant farm workers and other food systems workers provide essential services while bearing the weight of a system that exploits their labor with little compensation. Supporting the transition of immigrants, farm workers, and food systems workers to farm ownership and other agricultural roles will keep agricultural production stable and revitalized as a large population of farmers retire and transition their farms. We must act as an ally and advocate for immigrants rights and better labor conditions in agriculture and in the food system.

Learn more here.

Federal programs are failing to reach the next generation of farmers and ranchers.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is tasked with ensuring the success of our nation’s farmers and ranchers, but for decades its programs and policies have been designed to support a select few: larger and larger operations, primarily growing commodities (for export). In addition to exclusive program design, documented discrimination at USDA has contributed to the significant decline in Black farmers. 

Seventy-one percent of respondents in our 2022 Young Farmers Report reported being unfamiliar with USDA programs, and 26% had applied but were denied.

Learn more here.

Agriculture is an economic and social bedrock of the United States, yet for decades, farmers, ranchers, and farmworkers have endured growing challenges that increase their levels of stress.

Cultivemos (formerly known as FRSAN-NE, the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Northeast) aims to improve behavioral health awareness, literacy, access, and outcomes for farmers, ranchers, and farmworkers in the Northeast by developing a service provider network that can assist and meet the unique needs of agricultural workers.

Learn more here.

Policy Setting Process

Young Farmers has historically created federal policy platforms and campaigns by surveying young farmers nationally and gathering informal feedback from our members and chapters. In 2018, in order to more directly engage our farmer members, we began developing a process to ensure young farmers, especially BIPOC farmers, have a formal voice in setting our federal policy platform and that our platform reflects the on-the-ground needs of our farmer members.

The Young Farmers’ Federal Policy Setting Process is the result of months of research, consultation, and conversation with partners and other farmer-centric organizations. The Young Farmers Policy Setting Process was launched at Convergence 2019 through a presentation to members and was approved through a member voting process.
As per the Federal Policy Setting Process guidelines, the work to build this platform included regional and affinity group calls for farmers in our network, a national policy priorities survey to gather information, and nomination and voting on Policy Committee members. The information was reviewed by the elected Policy Committee and staff to draft this platform for the next two-year Congressional session. Members voted on whether or not to accept each pillar, which requires a majority vote (51%) in favor.

A Better Farm BilL

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Racial Equity

We recognize racial equity not as a policy pillar, but as the base upon which all policy must stand.

Young Farmers centers racial equity in our programs, policy, and advocacy campaigns. We know that federal agricultural policies have reinforced the systemic racism that encumbers BIPOC farmers in almost every aspect of life, and we commit to advocating for anti-racist policy change. Programs that were created to directly address racial inequities must remain adequately funded, and all programs and policies must move towards centering racial equity in their programmatic design.