
We believe we have one generation to transform agriculture in service to our communities and the land.

We are that generation

We are farmers and ranchers who steward the struggle to transform agriculture. We are an intersectional coalition that works for justice and collective liberation of our food and farm systems. We champion policies that resource connections to the land and foster our health in the face of climate crisis. We advocate for policies that recognize farming as a public service. We work in partnership with social justice movements for a future in which people, land, and relationships are respected. We aspire to stand in ever greater solidarity with global movements that advance human rights – especially the right to food and place.


Young farmers, when resourced and trained to share their stories with lawmakers, can remake the food system to be more equitable, just, and in service to our communities and the land.


We shift power and change policy to equitably resource our new generation of working farmers.


We envision a just future where farming is free of racial violence, accessible to communities, oriented towards environmental well-being, and concerned with health over profit.


Find your local chapter and connect with our growing community of young farmers, ranchers, and supporters across the country. To stay up to date, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and join our email list.

Young Farmers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.