PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: National Young Farmers Coalition lanza recursos en línea gratuitos sobre acceso a tierra
PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA Contacto:, Communications Director, | View full release and contacts HUDSON, NY (23 de enero de 2020) – Asegurar acceso a tierras es uno de los pilares en la habilidad de un agricultor tener éxito en cultivar alimentos y construir su negocio. Comprar o arrendar terrenos agrícolas es usualmente el primer gran riesgo financiero que […]
RELEASE: Finding Farmland Course and Calculator help beginning farmers reduce their risks when accessing land
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:, Communications Director, | View full release and contacts HUDSON, NY (January 23, 2020) – Secure access to land is at the foundation of a farmer’s ability to succeed in growing food and building their business. Buying or leasing farmland is often the biggest investment a farmer will make in their career, but it […]
New Tools For Young Farmers Seeking Land

Thinking about buying or renting land? Check out our free Finding Farmland Calculator and Online Course to compare financing options, analyze costs, and understand what you can afford. También en Español! Land access is the number one challenge In 2017, the National Young Farmers Coalition (Young Farmers) surveyed more than 3,500 young farmers and ranchers […]
Finding Farmland: Resources to Support Land Access

The following blog by Mike and Holly of our Land Access team is also posted on Photographs by Richie Graham Photo. For farmers across the country, it will come as no surprise that farmland has become less and less affordable on a farming income. Approaching land access with a strong financial strategy can help […]
Finding farmland in the Golden State: Young Farmers’ 2019 California Whistle Stop Tour

At the start of February, I had the privilege of spending a couple weeks in California, organizing five Finding Farmland workshops for young farmers in partnership with our California team and California FarmLink. The workshops were focused on sharing practical strategies for finding secure, affordable land tenure, as well as introducing farmers to useful tools—including […]
Land Team Dispatch: Climate, Land Trusts, and Finance

Last year, NYFC released Building A Future with Farmers II, our report on the findings of our 2017 National Young Farmer Survey. We found that land access is the number one challenge facing young farmers and ranchers across America. The actions that we take now will determine what happens to the millions of acres of […]