August News: Jobs, Climate March, Water Innovation, Events

We’ve been on the road this summer, crop mobbing with the Missouri Young Farmers Coalition, talking shop with first-generation organic grain farmers in Montana, and square dancing with the Washington Young Farmers Coalition. All along the way, we’re collecting stories for our campaigns and building a stronger young farmer movement. Want to see us in action? Follow the […]

NYFC January 2014 Newsletter: FDA listens, Jobs, Legal Help, Events

  Thank you. Last month, 213 farmers and consumers joined NYFC. This growth topped off an incredible year: a dozen new chapters formed, we rallied nearly a thousand farmers and consumers to tell the FDA that organic and diversified farms produce the safest food (more on that below!) and we started to move innovative land […]

NYFC November 2013 Newsletter

  November is #FarmerHeroes month!  We’re celebrating a few farmer-members who represent our incredible network of bold, passionate, young farmers providing great food for their communities. Follow #FarmerHeroes this month on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Want to be a super hero?  Take a few minutes today to send a comment to the FDA to fix […]