House Agriculture Appropriations bill would fund key Young Farmer Programs—we need your help to pass it through Committee!
UPDATE: The FY20 Agriculture Appropriations bill passed through Committee and passed on the House floor on June 24! In even better news, the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Program, which provides resources and services for farmers in crisis, received even more funding, with $20 million written into the final bill. And all the funding […]
Take action today to fund beginning farmer programs!
Springtime in D.C. means cherry blossoms, opening day at Nationals Park (go Nats!), and appropriations season! Appropriations is the process Congress uses to fund the government. Though perhaps less exciting than a day at the ballpark, this process is vitally important to the smooth functioning of our democracy. You may all remember the 35-day […]
Share your story to help pass a farm bill for young farmers!
We are really down to the wire. September 30th is the farm bill expiration date, and unless Congress passes a final version of the bill, many of the programs young farmers rely on may lose funding. Stories break through the noise. That’s why we’re asking you to shareyour stories with Members of Congress to help illustrate how important local […]
2018 Farm Bill Luján-Bishop Letter Signed by 53 Members of Congress
NYFC is excited to share a bipartisan letter in support of programs young and socially disadvantaged farmers rely on in the 2018 Farm Bill. The letter, led by Representatives Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) and Sanford Bishop’s (D-GA), was delivered to House Agriculture Committee leadership, with support from 53 Members of Congress. In the letter, the Members requests […]
Bonus Episode: Vets Need Farm Bill Action
Today’s bonus episode is about an important program in the 2018 Farm Bill that needs your support: Farming Opportunities Training and Outreach (FOTO). Tiffany Washington, Navy Veteran from Austin, Texas, shares her personal journey to farming, and how farm bill programs are helping her find success. Take action: Text “Farm” to 40649 to join NYFC’s […]