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Donate to UndocuFund for Disaster Relief in Sonoma County, CA

An estimated 38,500 undocumented immigrants live in Sonoma County. Unlike other victims, undocumented immigrants do not qualify for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Even when they do qualify for services, many undocumented immigrants are unlikely to pursue those benefits due to fear of immigration enforcement, lack of familiarity with official institutions, and […]

August 25, 2020

Employment Law FAQ for Vermont Farmers and Farm Workers Related to COVID-19

With workplaces upended during the COVID-19 crisis, farms are finding themselves in uncharted territory. The Center for Agriculture and Food Systems created a guide to employment law for Vermont farmers and farm workers covering some of the most pressing questions raised by the novel coronavirus: from paid sick leave, to unemployment insurance, to rules for […]

April 17, 2020

En Español: Cornell’s Recursos para Trabajadores Agrícolas

 ¿Que es nuestro programa? El Programa de Apoyo a Los Trabajadores Agrícolas de Cornell (llamado The Cornell Farmworker Program y abreviado “CFP” en inglés) se dedica a mejorar las condiciones de vida y trabajo para los/as trabajadores/as agrícolas y sus familias. Este programa busca que las comunidades locales reconozcan las contribuciones a la sociedad, la aceptación, y la participación integral […]

April 9, 2020

European Food Safety Authority Statement on Covid-19

The European Food Safety Authority states there is no evidence that food is a source or transmission route for Coronavirus.   European Food Safety Authority Covid-19 Statement

March 23, 2020

Families First Coronavirus Response Act: New Paid Leave Programs

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. These provisions will apply from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.   Visit The Resource

March 30, 2020

FAQ on Funding Programs Available to Small and Mid-Size Farms

Q&A on various funding programs, including SBA programs, USDA programs, and state and local programs.   Visit The Resource

April 21, 2020

Farm Aid Farmer Resource Network

Farm Aid’s goal is to connect farmers with helpful services, resources, and opportunities specific to their individual needs. Their Farmer Resource Network offers many ways to connect.   Farmer Resource Network

August 25, 2020

Farm Aid Mental Health Resources

Farmer Mental Health Hotline: 1-800-FARM-AID (1-800-327-6243) Farmer Services staff answer the hotline Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern time.   Online Request for Assistance You can also reach out to our Farmer Services staff through our Online Request for Assistance Form and we’ll get back to you via email or by […]

March 23, 2020

Farm Aid Resources for Farmers Affected by COVID-19

Farm Aid’s Resources for Farmers Affected by COVID-19. Farm Aid is working closely with our national partners to support service providers, farm organization staff, and advocates who work with farmers navigating the crisis sparked by COVID-19. We’re proud to share the following resources, co-created with the Farmers Legal Action Group (FLAG), Rural Advancement Foundation International – USA (RAFI-USA), National Sustainable […]

March 25, 2020

Farm Commons COVID-19 Impact on Farmers Podcast Series

Farm Commons presents audio series addressing business impacts of COVID-19 on farms.   Link to Podcast

April 9, 2020

Farmers Guide to Direct Sales Software Platforms

This publication, created by the National Young Farmers Coalition, compares farm-specific software platforms that support direct-to-consumer sales, and highlights related educational resources. This resource is also available in Spanish!   Visit The Resource

March 20, 2020

Farm & Garden COVID-19 Plan Templates

Extension educators from the University of Minnesota Extension, in partnership with University of Wisconsin Extension, have created template COVID-19 response plans for fruit and vegetable farms as well as community gardens. These templates are accompanied by a COVID-19 FAQ page to help answer growers’ questions around the virus and disease.   COVID-19 Farm Plan Template […]

May 11, 2020

Farm Net Financial and Mental Health Resources

Farm Net Financial and Mental Health Resources for Farmers   Resources

April 9, 2020

Vermont Farmer Emergency Fund

NOFA-VT’s Farmer Emergency Fund supports organic and NOFA-VT member farmers who have been adversely affected by natural and unnatural disasters, such as crop failure, extreme weather, flooding, fire, or barn collapse. The Farmer Emergency Fund provides grants and zero percent interest loans to farmers in need as funds are available. Current project includes collecting names […]

April 10, 2020

Farmworker Relief Program

During this time of uncertainty, our farms may temporarily lose employees due to COVID-19 as they may have to quarantine and convalesce. They are looking for willing and able people to become potential employees. We have created a database for our members to use as a recruiting resource to find potential applicants. The farm interested […]

September 22, 2020

FDA’s Frequently Asked Questions about Covid-19

This page from the FDA includes frequently asked questions about Covid-19, including an entire section on food products.   FDA’s Frequently Asked Questions

March 23, 2020

Fondo de respuesta y reconstrucción de sistemas agrícolas y alimentarios de Colorado

El Fondo reconoce que las situaciones de emergencia agravan el impacto de las desigualdades sociales y económicas que afectan a las comunidades. Por lo tanto, este Fondo proporcionará recursos flexibles a los productores y entidades que trabajan para satisfacer las necesidades de los pequeños y medianos productores (con ingresos brutos agrícolas en efectivo de 2019 […]

April 28, 2020

Food Fight VT Map

Visit the Map

March 20, 2020

Free Disaster Relief Food Safety Training

This free course from State Food Safety is designed to instruct volunteer food workers on general food safety principles to ensure safe food handling while serving those in need. It is available in English and Spanish.   Disaster Relief Food Safety Training  

April 1, 2020

Free Help Accessing Social Services

If you need assistance paying housing bills, accessing free childcare, or other essential services, 211 can help connect you to those services. 211 is the most comprehensive source of locally curated social services information in the US and most of Canada.   Visit The Resource

March 20, 2020

Free Legal Services for Farmers from FLAG

For free legal services and support from the Farmers’ Legal Action Group, farmers can call their national toll-free hotline at 877-860-4349.   More Information

May 1, 2020

Gig Workers Collective Resource List

This resource list from the Gig Workers Collective can be helpful if your off-farm gig-economy job has been closed.   Visit The Resource

March 26, 2020

GrazeCart Custom Built Website and eCommerce Platform for Farmers

The Website & Online Shopping Cart Built by Farmers for Farmers. Can sell products by weight, manage live inventory, and sell by pick up location or shipping. GrazeCart is a custom built website + eCommerce platform. Ideal clients are scaled direct-marketing operations, and today there are over 300 farmers utilizing GrazeCart across North America.   […]

March 20, 2020

GrowNYC Asistencia a Agricultores Recursos en respuesta al COVID-19

Guía de recursos disponibles en respuesta al Corona virus.  

April 27, 2020

GrowNYC Farmer Assistance Coronavirus Response Resources

This document is a regularly-updated sheet of resources from GrowNYC for farmers covering access to capital, access to markets, access to labor, emergency policies affecting farm businesses, and free webinars/trainings. Coronavirus Response Resources

March 26, 2020

Guía del agricultor para plataformas de software de venta directa

Esta publicación destaca las plataformas de software de venta directa y modelos de ventas que los agricultores pueden encontrar útil.   Visita El Recurso

May 12, 2020

Guía provisional para la prevención y la respuesta ante la COVID-19 en establecimientos agropecuarios

Guía provisional para la prevención y la respuesta ante la COVID-19 en establecimientos agropecuarios Recurso

June 5, 2020

Guidance for CA Farmers Markets

From California’s Department of Health, this resource provides guidance for grocery stores, farmers market, and other retail food and beverage business.   Visit The Resource

April 10, 2020

Harvard and NSAC COVID-19 Policy Recommendations

A resource from the Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic on support for local and regional food systems through the COVID-19 pandemic.   Read More

March 20, 2020

Hoosier Harvest Market

The farmer/member-owned Hoosier Harvest Market (HHM) works to bridge the gap between Indiana food producers and consumers in search of high-quality, safe and healthful local foods—members deliver primarily to central Indiana. Producers in Indiana’s northern or southern regions should reach out to HHM to explore new areas of operation for the cooperative. Hoosier Harvest Market

March 27, 2020

House Agriculture Committee COVID-19 Resources

This page includes helpful resources and fact sheets for food and agriculture. Resources

April 2, 2020

How To Apply For Disaster Support If You’re Out Of Work Or Have Storm Damage To Repair

When the governor issues a disaster proclamation, or when the federal government grants a disaster proclamation request, residents who are eligible can apply for assistance grants to pay for things like repairs, food, and other necessities. Those grants have deadlines and are open now for people who live in the 27 counties where Gov. Kim […]

August 25, 2020

How to Help Iowans Who Need It Right Now

Many organizations are working to help Iowans are asking for financial support at this time. Some towns are posting about the need for volunteers and supplies to local Facebook pages or groups. Search and check for those for your area and check out this list of ways you can help from Iowa Public Radio.   […]

How to Structure a Farmers Market during COVID-19

Example of how to structure a farmers market during COVID-19 by maintaining social distances and mitigating potential virus transmission points. The number of shoppers in the market area at one time are tightly controlled. Products are pre-packaged or bunched, and there are no cash, card, or token payments made at the market. Payment is made […]

March 26, 2020

Hudson Valley ripeCommunity Local Farm Directory

ripeCommunity is a directory of food businesses serving the local community during the COVID-19 crisis. The goal is to connect those providing food (restaurants, farms, farm businesses, grocery stores) to community members who need food and ingredients during this unprecedented time. Information is regularly updated by businesses so consumers have access to accurate hours, available […]

April 27, 2020

Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative Resources

The team at the Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative is working to provide up-to-date educational resources relating to COVID-19 for Indian Country. Please check back with this resource, as they will keep information updated as it becomes available. Resources

April 2, 2020

Information for Farmers Markets

Frequently updated information for farmers markets in light of COVID-19.   Visit The Resource

March 20, 2020

Interim Covid-19 Guidance for Businesses and Employers

This guidance is from the CDC is meant to help businesses and employers plan, prepare and respond to Coronavirus.   CDC Guidance for Businesses and Employers

April 1, 2020

Iowa Concern Hotline

Iowa State Extension mental health hotline. 24/7 Phone Support – Trained staff take your calls via a toll-free hotline at 1-800-447-1985.   Hotline

March 24, 2020

Kentucky Community Farm Alliance Resource Page

Collection of resources for farmers and farmers markets from the Community Farm Alliance, a Kentucky based organization.   Visit The Resource

April 10, 2020

Kentucky Resources for Local Producers and Direct Marketers

Compiled by the University of Kentucky, this resource includes a number of useful COVID-19 guidance documents for local producers and direct marketers.   Visit The Resource

Land For Good Farm & Food System Resources amid COVID-19

Compilation of links to resources from Land For Good to provide farmers across New England with the information and resources they need to adapt and sustain their farm businesses.   Visit The Resource

March 26, 2020

LISC/Verizon Small Business Grants

Grants up to $10k for small businesses with a focus on POC-owned/historically underserved communities.   Apply

April 2, 2020

Listas de verificación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) para operadores en establecimientos agropecuarios

Listas de verificación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) para operadores en establecimientos agropecuarios. Recurso

June 5, 2020

Los trabajadores agrícolas y el coronavirus: Lo que debe saber y lo que puede hacer

El Programa de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agrícolas de la Universidad de Cornell y Finger Lakes Community Health invita cordialmente a los trabajadores agrícolas a una llamada gratuita con el Doctor Jose Canario. Durante esta llamada, el doctor explicara que es el coronavirus, que puede hacer ahora y responderá a sus preguntas. Por favor invite […]

April 17, 2020

Low-Cost Options for Online Sales Platforms

Comparison of low cost options for online sales platforms including Square and Google Apps.   Visit The Resource

May 8, 2020

Maine Cooperative Extension

Maine Statewide Crisis and Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-888-568-1112 Helping Farmers Cope with Stress Farming can be stressful in the best of times. Financial worries, unpredictable weather, plant pests, livestock diseases, and isolation all contribute to farmers’ anxiety. Severe depression and suicidal thoughts can be common in our day and age. If you are concerned about […]

March 24, 2020

Maine COVID-19 Farmer Resource List

List of resources for farmers in Maine, organized by category.   Farmer Resource List

March 26, 2020

Maine Food Atlas

Visit the Map

March 20, 2020


Online grocery store/farmers market that sells hundreds of locally produced goods — including meats, vegetables, fruits and value-added products — from hubs of local producers across the Midwest.   Visit The Resource

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