The National Young Farmers Coalition and FrontLine Farming have launched the Colorado Water Equity Partnership with a vision of equitable water governance that fosters a vibrant agricultural community, symbiosis between urban and rural water use, healthy ecosystems, and water justice for historically underserved communities in Colorado. Water justice in this vision includes a water system that explicitly elevates the water interests of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and young and beginning farmers.

The decisions made around Colorado’s water resources today will impact the state for decades to come. The Colorado Water Equity Partnership aims to better engage young farmers, BIPOC farmers, and allies within these decisions. Use this website for easy access to water education materials, events, and advocacy actions regarding Colorado water.  

Visit our page on Colorado Water Access and Education for more information.

Colorado Water Access and Education

KNOW YOUR WATER: Equity, Food Systems, and Colorado Water Planning Virtual Education Series

As part of this water and equity partnership, FrontLine Farming and the National Young Farmers Coalition are co-hosting the virtual education series KNOW YOUR WATER: Equity, Food Systems, and Colorado Water that explore the equity issues within the Colorado water structures of power. We’d love to know what you think of these sessions and what you’d like to see us do next! Fill out this survey to let us know

Session one featured a panel of experts on tribal water, acequias, and international water compacts who delved into equity issues within the structures of power defining Colorado water. Learn more about the panelists here.

Session two featured a panel of experts who discussed how urban producers fit into Colorado’s state water plan and resources that can support on-farm water management. Learn more about the panelists here.