The Southern Arizona Young Farmers and Ranchers Coalition (SAYFRC) is a network of people who grow plants and animals for food and fiber in arid-land environments using traditional, indigenous, and innovative practices.  The SAYFRC’s mission is to provide support for beginning and established food producers, and to build connections between the urban and rural areas of our region.

Working together we will develop and advocate for policies on the local, tribal, state and national levels that increase the resiliency, fairness and diversity of our food system. In addition, SAYFRC aims to facilitate mentorships, apprenticeships, continuing education, skill-building and labor-sharing among its members.  We will also demonstrate to the public and younger generations that farming, ranching and food processing are honorable and invaluable professions.

Connect with us:

Facebook: @soazyoungfarmersandranchers


Instagram: @sayfrc