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Release: President’s Budget Demonstrates Commitment to a more just and resilient Future for U.S. Agriculture 


Contact:​, Communications Director, National Young Farmers Coalition, 518-643-3564 ext. 722

Washington, D.C. (March 29, 2022) Staff from the National Young Farmers Coalition (Young Farmers) released the following statements in response to President Biden’s proposed FY2023 budget, shared yesterday, and its potential impacts on the future of U.S. agriculture: 

“The President’s budget contains important investments across the food supply chain. Our coalition is especially supportive of the additional $2 million earmarked to build the Office of Customer Experience at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), said Sophie Ackoff, Co-Executive Director of the National Young Farmers Coalition. “Young and Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) farmers struggle to take advantage of existing federal programs because of lack of outreach and the history of poor customer service at the USDA. This investment would improve delivery of critical programs for farmers and ranchers. When young and BIPOC farmers have better access to federal programs our food system becomes more resilient, and the future of American agriculture is brighter and more just.”

“Young farmers need robust investment in their businesses and a safety net beyond the farm gate to support their success in agriculture. The President’s proposal to double the maximum Pell Award by 2029, starting with a $2,175 increase for the 2023-24 academic year, and further investment in National Youth Employment Program, would make college far more affordable for low- and moderate-income BIPOC students. This program would also reduce the economic burden of student loans, which prevents so many young people from entering and staying in agriculture,” said Vanessa Garcia Polanco, Policy Campaigns Co-Director for Young Farmers. 

“We are excited to see that the President’s budget prioritizes climate action within USDA. The President’s proposal to provide nearly $1.2B to NRCS conservation programs to bolster on-farm resilience and improve internal capacity at the agency will allow more young farmers to take part in these critical programs. Young farmers, particularly BIPOC farmers, are already more likely to implement climate-smart agricultural practices, and these proposed investments ensure that farmers are able to be a part of building solutions to the climate crisis,” said Lotanna Obodozie, Climate Campaign Director at Young Farmers.




The National Young Farmers Coalition (Young Farmers) is a national grassroots network of young farmers changing policy and shifting power to equitably resource the new generation of working farmers. Visit Young Farmers on the web at, and on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.