This month brings a couple online presentations about acquiring farmland – one of the largest obstacles most beginning farmers face. Don’t miss out on these free resources!
Upcoming Webinars from the Beginning Farmer Learning Network
Land Access: Options and Strategies
Mon, July 9, noon to 1pam
Kathy Ruhf, Land For Good
This first of a two-part webinar on land access focuses on the basics. We’ll start with values and concepts around farmland tenure: what goes into land acquisition planning? Participants will learn about land access options and their advantages and disadvantages. We’ll cover types of leases, what’s in a good lease, determining the rent, and more. We’ll discuss landlords–who they are and working with them. We’ll talk about looking for and assessing farms, and end with suggested resources.
Kathy Ruhf works at Land For Good, a New England nonprofit that specializes in farm access, tenure and succession. She has taught, written and consulted on farm tenure and beginning farmers for 25 years. She is based in western Massachusetts.
Register now!
Land Access: Farm Financing Alternatives
Mon, July 23, noon to 1pm
Ben Waterman, VT New Farmer Project
This is the second part of the land access webinar, and focuses on emerging financing strategies, including alternative financing for land access as well as topics covered in the new book, Guide to Financing the Community Supported Farm, such as legal/accounting considerations, promissory notes, and multi-year CSAs.
Register now!
Both webinars are free and open to the public. They are particularly targeted to beginning or aspiring farmers and the organizations supporting them. These webinars are hosted by the Northeast Beginning Farmer Project at the Cornell Small Farms Program, with funding from the USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program.
Questions? Please email Erica Frenay,