Our big goal: Giving back to veterans
By Hannah Becker, Willow Springs Farm It’s that time of year— a new year, new goals. For many entrepreneurs, the end of one year and the beginning of the next is a time to reflect and clarify goals. What have we accomplished? Where are we headed? What’s the best way to get there? A quick recap […]
Veterans Agriculture Project Creates an Agricultural Legacy in Kentucky
At the intersection of Ridgewood and Pauline in Berea, Kentucky, three military veterans assemble raised beds and blend a potting mix for their most recent community garden project. Meanwhile, in a nearby kitchen, others use yesterday’s harvest to cook the community lunch and preserve bushels of tomatoes for winter nourishment. These urban gardeners are members […]
Veterans Emerge as New Beginning Farmers
A growing number of resources are available nationwide for returning veterans interested in farming careers: With funding from the USDA and other sources, various projects are underway specifically for veterans. One very noteworthy project comes from the Center for Veterans’ Issues (CVI), which is beginning a redevelopment project, the Veterans’ Food Project, in Milwaukee. This […]