The 2018 Global Action Climate Summit: we can’t solve climate change unless farmers are at the table

A summary of the Global Action Climate Summit by Kate Greenberg, Western Program Director     On September 12-14, NYFC Land Access Program Director Holly Rippon-Butler, California Organizer Mai Nguyen, and I joined delegates from around the world at California’s Global Climate Action Summit, where thousands of representatives from governments, businesses, and grassroots coalitions gathered […]

NYFC Presents at Western Governors Association Drought Forum

National Young Farmers Coalition was invited to present during the Western Governors Association forum on “Drought Impacts and Solutions in the Agricultural Sector”. Many academics and water resource managers from California were in attendance along with several ranchers and farmers.  Jerry Brown, Governor of California and Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval made an appearance for opening […]

Water Tour brings farmers together from across Southwest

Below average precipitation combined with warm and dry summers make it difficult for producers to grow enough to make a profit and forecasts of low precipitation patterns suggests this may be a new normal.  With water being a critical resource for managing a successful farm, drought resiliency is an important skill. This week the National Young Farmers […]

Tillage, drought and their child: disaster

Across the arid West, farmers and ranchers are sharing tools and stories of resilience. Farmer Paul Kaiser discusses how he and his family are preparing for drought on their farm, Singing Frogs Farm, in Sonoma County, CA.  On January 17th, 2014 California Governor Jerry Brown announced a statewide drought emergency. Despite recent March rains, seven of the last eight years […]