NYFC May Newsletter: Gary Nabhan on the Forum, Update from the West

In the West, spring has arrived with hail, a foot of snow and three-digit temperatures. As climate change comes to the farm, we’re reminded how much we need a strong farm community. This newsletter is all about how NYFC is bringing farmers together to face local challenges as a united front. We’ll fill you in […]
April Farmer Mixer Roundup
Though the Farm Bill has been front-and-center as of late, the farmers of NYFC are not forgetting to have a good time! April was full of young farmer mixers, from Fort Collins to Albuquerque, Texas to Rhode Island. In Fort Collins, farmers from Colorado’s Front Range celebrated their second mixer potluck-style, packing the Empire Grange […]
Join the young farmer events in your area!

As we move into Spring, young farmer potlucks, meetings, and gatherings are popping up like wildflowers all over the country. Today we want to highlight just a few, and give you some inspiration to start organizing in your region! In Albuquerque, NM, the brand-new Rio Grande Farmers’ Coalition is having its first annual Spring Farm […]