Young Farmer Nights Brings Together Farmers from Southeastern New England

We are excited to welcome Young Farmer Nights of Rhode Island / Southeastern Massachusetts to our all-star directory of young and beginning farmer groups! YFN began as informal on-farm gatherings of like-minded folks and is now beginning its fourth season this year. The idea behind the Young Farmer Nights is to build a community of […]
Western Farmers Kicking into Gear with two Upcoming Farmer Events

Two amazing events are coming up for young farmers! Want to organize something in your area? Get in touch with us ( – we’d love to work with you on it. DURANGO, CO: This Thursday, Durango, CO will host a local foods potluck and gathering to discuss the Southwest Growers Alliance that’s been brewing […]
Washington Young Farmers Coalition Annual Mixer Coming Up!

The Washington Young Farmers Coalition is ever-so-pleased to announce: Its 3rd Annual Washington Young Farmers Mixer! The Washington Young Farmers Coalition is doing it again, and this year, they are teaming up with Viva Farms and Happy Little Farm to present a better-than-ever, not-to-be-missed night of potluck and revelry, spit-roast and dancing with the Tuckborough […]