FSMA Update: FDA Finalizes the Produce Rule
By Eric Hansen, NYFC Policy Analyst This is what we have all been waiting for, at least those of us with a stake in farm policy. On November 13 , the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the final version of Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption, commonly […]
USDA Announces Increased Funding to Organic Growers
Last month USDA announced $13 million in Farm Bill funding will be available for organic certification cost share assistance, a win for small and beginning farmers who want to go organic. Secretary Tom Vilsack said the move is in response to an increasing consumer demand for organic products, and USDA “need[s] to make sure that […]
USDA Responds to NYFC Feedback with Major Changes to FSA Loan Program
The USDA announced major revisions to its Farm Storage Facility Loan (FSFL) Program, a major win for young farmers who specialize in diversified operations and CSA’s. Thanks to the efforts of NYFC and its allies, the new program is now more flexible and useable for a much broader set of farms needing to build or […]
GMO Contamination: Coming to a farm near you?
Young farmers and supporters! As an organization focused on sustainable agriculture for the next generation, we’re excited to be a part of the push for better laws around GMO contamination. Today we’re asking you to take a few minutes to send in a comment to the USDA before next Tuesday to tell them why GMO […]
2014 Farm Bill Passes Final Hurdle, Signed into Law
It’s official – we now have a farm bill. On Friday, President Obama officially signed it into law, marking the end of two years of campaigning. As we previously reported, the bill is a mixed bag of good and bad. Funding for many beginning farmer programs, including the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, are […]
Guest Post: Uncapped Entitlement is Bad for Agriculture and Holding up the New Farm Bill
We’ve talked in the past about the need for Congress to reform its payment limit systems (ie, the way farms receive crop subsidies). It’s not one of the most exciting policy areas that we focus on, but it’s more important than you might think! Right now, payments are structured to favor the very largest farms […]
FDA Extends Food Safety Commenting Period One Week!
Yes, you read that right. There have been a series of difficulties over the past week in accessing the regulations.gov website to submit comments on the proposed food safety regulations, so the FDA has announced a one week extension – comments are now due at 11:59 PM EST on next Friday, November 22. Have you […]
NYFC November 2013 Newsletter
November is #FarmerHeroes month! We’re celebrating a few farmer-members who represent our incredible network of bold, passionate, young farmers providing great food for their communities. Follow #FarmerHeroes this month on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Want to be a super hero? Take a few minutes today to send a comment to the FDA to fix […]
What's food day without the farmers?
Happy Food Day! Today is the day that thousands of foodies, farmers, and farm supporters come together to celebrate healthy food, sustainable agriculture and vibrant farming communities. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate nutritious food and growing farms than by speaking up for the beginning, local and sustainable farmers who make it […]
Farmers Taking a Stand Today to Save Local Farms!
Today is the National Day of Action to Save Local Farms! Across the nation, thousands of activists are standing up against unreasonable food safety rules that threaten the future viability of small and local farms. Organizers are hosting 70 letter writing events before the FDA’s November 15th comment deadline. In their own words, here is […]