Beginning Farmer Gathering at 2012 Biodynamics Conference

This month, the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association hosted a special pre-conference gathering for apprentices and beginning farmers at the organization’s biennial conference.  This year, the conference was held at Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin from November 14 through 18. About 25 young and beginning farmers attended the apprentice meeting, some of whom are members […]

Apprentice Gathering at 2012 Biodynamic Conference

Next month, the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association will host an inaugural special event for farm apprentices.  The gathering will take place in conjunction with their biennial Biodynamic Conference, held this year in Madison, Wisconsin from November 14th through the 18th. Topics of discussion during the pre-conference meeting will focus on the roles and education of young […]