Introducing Eliza Greenman, Owner/Operator of Legacy Fruit Trees in Virginia
Up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwestern Virginia, I am the owner of a small fruit tree company, Legacy Fruit Trees- where I specialize in custom grafting and growing hard cider apple varieties (for now). This year, my first year, I’ve pre-sold 4000 trees which I’ll graft, grow, dig and ship in the coming […]
Introducing Sparkplug Farm of Vinalhaven Island, ME
Sparkplug Farm is a 30-acre diversified vegetable farm on Vinalhaven Island, located off the coast of Maine. Farmers Sara Hodges and John Wright began the farm in 2012 after earning Bachelors degrees from Warren Wilson College and apprenticing through the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA). John and Sara currently hold a five year […]
Bootstrap @ Rippling Waters: Mandala
Last spring our farm manager, the venerable Julee Applegarth, was looking out over the top of one of our fields and musing out loud to a gathered crowd upon the fact that previously she was unable to get much to grow in the hard-packed soil there. She stamped her foot, I recall, illustrating the hard-packedness […]
Bootstrap @ Rippling Waters – Introduction
I didn’t get into this thing consciously; there was no decision made, no career-test administered, or no plan of any sort, not at first anyway. It just sort of grew in me, starting perhaps when I was a boy passing off Comfrey leaves as payment for an invisible meal at a ‘restaurant’ in a game […]
Opportunities for Young, Agrarian Mainers
Last Wednesday, forty young farmers and young farmer enthusiasts met at the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) fairgrounds in Unity, Maine for a farm tour and potluck. Founded in ‘71, MOFGA serves as a resource for agrarians by helping them grow and promote organic food, protect the environment, recycle natural resources, beef-up local […]