Dirt Works Incubator Farm: Building Land Access and Community in South Carolina

Beginning farmers are finding a new way to get on the land in South Carolina with the help of a local non-profit called Lowcountry Local First (LLF). In 2012, LLF welcomed farmers to South Carolina’s first incubator farm – Dirt Works Incubator, which is located just outside of Charleston. The newest post from Southern Terroir, a monthly blog featuring the unique products and producers from […]

Proposed farm-to-WIC program to enable greater access to fresh produce

Changes in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) are allowing new partnerships between local farmers and WIC outlets.  WIC aims to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by distributing cash vouchers to low-income women with children to buy produce.  The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) recently conducted a survey of […]