Is Whole Farm Revenue Protection Right for You?

Is Whole Farm Revenue Protection right for you? We asked and young farmers answered. There aren’t many crop insurance programs that truly meet the needs of many of the young farmers in our network. In fact, only 5% of young farm owners who responded to our 2017 survey reported using the Risk Management Agency’s (RMA) […]

What services would help your farm business?

By Lindsey Lusher Shute, NYFC Executive Director and Cofounder  As we near our 5th anniversary, NYFC is working to find new and innovative ways to fulfill our mission of representing, mobilizing, and engaging young farmers. We want to ensure the success of the farmers we serve and the organization we’ve built together. Something we’re exploring […]

AGR-Lite: Is It the Right Choice for Your Farm?

On Wednesday, September 28, the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) hosted a webinar about a new federally-subsidized insurance program called Adjusted Gross Revenue Lite (AGR-Lite).  According to the presentations, AGR-Lite can provide either revenue insurance, which can protect farmers from declines in crop prices or yields, or multi-peril insurance, which can protect against low […]

Legal and Insured Farm Internships in the Works in WA

The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries is taking a new approach to farm internships. In 2010, the Washington legislature authorized the Small Farm Internship pilot program in Skagit and Island counties, allowing young and beginning farmers to intern on small farms in order to learn about farming and farm businesses.  This program does […]