New year, new farm bill, climate news

On December 20th, after months of heated debate, the 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law. Though it’s by no means perfect, the bill’s passage brings some much needed relief to farmers and ranchers across the country dealing with trade wars, low market prices, and the added pressures of a changing climate. NYFC members increasingly […]

“Water is Scarce, Water is Rare”

“If we don’t start doing things differently, there won’t be agriculture to pass down.” Climate change is a hot-button political issue, but in the Western U.S., no one can deny that the drought and above average temperatures are real. Mike Nolan, a young farmer in Mancos, Colorado, gives an insider perspective on farming in extreme […]

OG Weather Nerds

It’s hard to imagine anyone thinking more about the weather than farmers, but then again, there’s Chief Meteorologist Mark Brusberg of USDA’s agricultural weather and assessments group. This week, Lindsey talks with Mark about the ways that drought, extreme weather, and the changing climate are impacting farmers and agricultural production globally and here at home. […]

Young Farmers Bring the West’s Historic Drought Straight to the Nation’s Capital

With the Southwest in exceptional drought, seven young farmers and ranchers from the Colorado River Basin made the trek to D.C. to tell Members of Congress and USDA about the importance of federal support for drought resilience and water conservation. Despite the pressures of the season, they left their farms and ranches to bring their […]

News from the West

The end of summer brought both bounty and hardship to Western farmers and ranchers. From hurricanes to fire, flood to drought, many have struggled with serious impacts to both their operations and their communities. But as farmers do, you are rebuilding, pitching in, and standing together. Times like these remind us how important it is […]

New report: Innovation & stewardship in the arid West

Here’s a story you probably haven’t heard in the news: Family farmers are leading water conservation efforts in the West. Here are two examples. By building up the level of organic matter in the soil of their California farm, Paul and Elizabeth Kaiser (pictured above with their crew) have drastically cut their irrigation use while […]

The West, water and you: Take our new survey

This year drought has gripped the West to a new extreme. But both young and seasoned farmers are forging new and innovative solutions, growing more food with less water while enhancing biodiversity, soil health, and their local communities. Yet despite this, too often young farmers are not engaged in shaping water policy. This means their […]

NYFC Presents at Western Governors Association Drought Forum

National Young Farmers Coalition was invited to present during the Western Governors Association forum on “Drought Impacts and Solutions in the Agricultural Sector”. Many academics and water resource managers from California were in attendance along with several ranchers and farmers.  Jerry Brown, Governor of California and Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval made an appearance for opening […]