Resource Spotlight: 12 Month Farm Finance Challenge

The first few weeks of the New Year are a good time to reflect on how lucky we are to work in agriculture. For many, the farm lifestyle is as, if not more, important than making money. Yet farms are still businesses, and many young farmers aren’t spending enough time managing their farm’s finances. Many […]
By Alissa of Wild Ridge Farm I am a farmer because of the way it makes me feel at the end of the day. The physical exhaustion that my muscles carry into sleep, the weary contentment of finished labor lulling my brain to stillness. Some days I farm solely for the satisfaction that weeding can […]
New CT Farmers Alliance Brings Farmers Together at the "Build Your Network, Grow Our Future" Event

How do we build our networks and help grow the potential for success in the future food economy? By bringing together farmers and service providers to meet each other, ask questions, listen and discuss.
GMO-labeling movement finds first win in Connecticut

Last month, Connecticut became the first state to pass a law requiring the labeling of foods containing genetically modified ingredients.
Beginning Farmers of Connecticut – a few upcoming events from CT NOFA

Due by December 31, 2012: Deadline for Journeyperson Applications CT NOFA is accepting registrations for the 2013-2015 Journeyperson Program. This provides education and business stipends, mentor support and free admission to CT NOFA programs for two years for Connecticut farmers that are independently farming for the first time. You can learn more about the program […]
Connecticut's Summer Sundays Down on the Farm!

The New Connecticut Farmer Alliance is hosting two events this summer that will bring together new, young, and emerging farmers across our state for farm tours, great food, and time to get to know other farmers. The first event will be held on Sunday, July 29th at White Gate Farm in East Lyme and the […]
Bootstrap @ Full Heart: Jumping into Spring

This past week I celebrated my one month “farmiversary” in grand fashion – an ice cream sundae enjoyed in bed. With all of the hustle and bustle the last few weeks, a simple evening seemed like the perfect way to commemorate everything that’s been going on. The laundry list from the past 30 days includes […]
Bootstrap @ Full Heart Farm – Introduction

Hi there! I’m Allyson, the owner and farmer of Full Heart Farm. Full Heart Farm is a small family farm in southeastern CT that encourages a return to the family table through meal-based farming. Our diversified farm grows a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, eggs, and meat, marketed through Full Plate MemberShare Program. The MemberShare […]