Farm disasters wait for no man … or wedding
By Tyler Hoyt | We cannot keep sweeping our water problems under the rug, hoping that the next wet season will save us. We need proactive measures that save water before it is wasted on all levels.
Finding land (with water) isn’t easy
By Tyler Hoyt | One of the biggest barriers that young farmers face is access to good quality land. In the West, good land for agriculture is usually tied to good water rights.
I can see my watershed, I can ski my watershed
By Tyler Hoyt | Living close to the mountains has advantages, like being able to physically see the source of our water and look after it.
Playing caveman hydro-engineer
By Harrison Topp | It’s still a surprise to a lot of people that we straight-up don’t get enough precipitation to grow most crops. We are reliant on the water that comes out of the mountains from melting snow.
Meet Tyler: "We want to spend our lives devoted to a piece of land"
By Tyler Hoyt | We had been dreaming about owning a farm. We wanted long-term returns on our investments into the land, and ownership was the only way to partially guarantee this far-sighted approach.
FARMERS ADAPT TO DROUGHT AND INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY New Case Studies Highlight Innovative Drought Mitigation & Water Savings by Six Farmers in Four Colorado River Basin States DURANGO, CO – The National Young Farmers Coalition released a report today highlighting innovative farmers who are adapting to record drought in the arid Southwest. “Sustaining Farming in the Arid West: Stories of young […]
Upcoming Young Farmer Mixer in Salida, CO
Calling folks from the Upper Arkansas and San Luis Valleys – upcoming young farmer mixer in Salida, CO in a week and a half! Come on out to hear more about NYFC, get to know other farmers in the region and have a good time! Email for more info and to RSVP. (Not nearby? […]
Farm Hack West Slope CO: Farmers build social and online tools to improve farm resilience in the arid West
On the small-scale farm, the only guarantee is that there are no guarantees. This fact makes resiliency—the ability to recover from or adjust to misfortune or change—an essential trait, especially for small, young and beginning farmers. As we in the west face extended drought and increasing demand for good food and water, we must continue […]
Western Farmers Kicking into Gear with two Upcoming Farmer Events
Two amazing events are coming up for young farmers! Want to organize something in your area? Get in touch with us ( – we’d love to work with you on it. DURANGO, CO: This Thursday, Durango, CO will host a local foods potluck and gathering to discuss the Southwest Growers Alliance that’s been brewing […]
Farming and water in the West: An Intro
You may be noticing our posts on water issues, or our recent Op-Ed on Colorado farmers and water conservation, and perhaps are wondering why NYFC is diving into western water. As the first of many blog posts on this topic, the following paragraphs offer some background. In most of the U.S., water is relatively abundant. […]