Cuyahoga Valley National Park Invests in Public/Private Farmland Agreements

One of the most significant challenges facing young farmers today is access to—and retention of—quality farmland. Innovative land tenure models are the focus of many advocacy and research organizations. The role of public lands in farmland retention is less clear—but one national park in Ohio is navigating a public/private land use model aimed at keeping […]

Dirt Works Incubator Farm: Building Land Access and Community in South Carolina

Beginning farmers are finding a new way to get on the land in South Carolina with the help of a local non-profit called Lowcountry Local First (LLF). In 2012, LLF welcomed farmers to South Carolina’s first incubator farm – Dirt Works Incubator, which is located just outside of Charleston. The newest post from Southern Terroir, a monthly blog featuring the unique products and producers from […]

USDA to Release 2012 Census of Ag Data

Every five years, the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) takes a hard look at the state of US agriculture by conducting a Census of Agriculture. In a very real way, the census is one of the few opportunities farmers have to tell the USDA about their operations—who they are, and what they need. Today, […]

2014 Farm Bill Passes Final Hurdle, Signed into Law

It’s official – we now have a farm bill.  On Friday, President Obama officially signed it into law, marking the end of two years of campaigning.  As we previously reported, the bill is a mixed bag of good and bad.  Funding for many beginning farmer programs, including the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, are […]

You did it! Farmer training + land access win in Farm Bill

Our coalition was founded in 2010 in large part to help ensure that our needs as new, young and sustainable farmers are represented in public policy. And today, although we’re not happy with all aspects of the new farm bill, we are proud to say that many of the challenges that we face in starting […]

What's at stake for the new farm bill? The next generation of farmers

Thanks to our friends at the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition for letting us repost this well-written piece about a few of the most important beginning farmer programs at the USDA. Last fall, Congress allowed the farm bill to expire without a new bill to take its place.  Instead, Congressional leaders cobbled together an awful and […]