New CT Farmers Alliance Brings Farmers Together at the "Build Your Network, Grow Our Future" Event
How do we build our networks and help grow the potential for success in the future food economy? By bringing together farmers and service providers to meet each other, ask questions, listen and discuss.
Vermont Young Farmers Coalition Kicks off 2014 at the NOFA-VT Conference!
Heading to the NOFA-VT conference this weekend? Make sure to join fellow Vermont young and beginning farmers for a workshop on Sunday at 3:45pm by the National Young Farmers Coalition and leaders of the new Vermont Young Farmers Coalition (VYFC).
NYFC January 2014 Newsletter: FDA listens, Jobs, Legal Help, Events
Thank you. Last month, 213 farmers and consumers joined NYFC. This growth topped off an incredible year: a dozen new chapters formed, we rallied nearly a thousand farmers and consumers to tell the FDA that organic and diversified farms produce the safest food (more on that below!) and we started to move innovative land […]
Start Organizing with the NYFC Organizing Handbook
We’re kicking off the brand new year with a brand new resource for local young farmer organizing – the Organizing Handbook: How to Bring Local Farmers Together for Shared Success!