Sarah Bell

Sarah Bell is a farmer in Birmingham, Alabama. She currently works at Jones Valley Teaching Farm as the Assistant Farm Manager. She is involved in managing all farm operations and programs, including a farm stand, neighborhood harvest share, community food fellowship, apprenticeship farm immersion, and volunteer programming, and co-leads the Equity Committee. She is also […]
Emily Cai

Emily Cai (they/them) is a farmer currently working with Wally Farms on Munsee Lenape/Mohican territory in the Hudson Valley. Before becoming a farmer, they lived abroad in China, France, the UK, and Germany. They have a Master’s degree in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action and have worked with organizations such as Reprieve and Rock the […]
Emily Kim

Kimmy (Emily Kim) (she/they) resides on occupied Coast Salish land of Camano Island, Washington where she has been co-operating Eternity Farm with her partner since December 2020. Eternity Farm is a small, no-till, human-scale operation that focuses on Asian vegetables and aims to work cooperatively with the land through practices such as implementing native plant […]
Simon Yevzelman

My passion lies in decentralizing food systems in order to create a robust agricultural network that can provide variety and abundance of nutrition. I also work to create a culture of food safety to reduce the burden of food borne illness, particularly the troubled category of leafy greens. My education and work experience have highlighted […]
Cayley Eller

Cayley is a first-generation farmer whose background spans agricultural production and distribution, community engagement, policy advocacy, research, and program management. She currently manages a farmer and rancher grant program that serves the western region of the U.S. She has farmed in California, Alaska, and New Zealand and continues to farm cut flowers. She has many […]
Lindsay Troyer

Lindsay lives in the suburbs between NYC and Philadelphia and for over a decade has consulted for many of the food producers and food makers in the area working in the specialty food and agricultural industry. She owner-operated a food business that relied heavily on local, seasonal produce and as an undergrad, developed a student-run […]
Rhyston Mays

Rhyston Mays, NE BIPOC, Farmer Rhyston is a Hudson Valley transplant from Chicago, and graduate of Vassar College in Sociology. They aim to build upon their experiences in agriculture to engage with issues of land access and food sovereignty in Black communities. Rhyston is eager to find out what kinds of futures we can manifest […]
Myllasa Riggins

Myllasa Riggins, SE BIPOC, Farmer’s Assistant Myllasa is a local artivist and community groundskeeper in the heart of the South Carolina. They can be found planting seeds in the minds of future generations through their work in equality, social activism, food justice, and capacity building.
Hannah Breckbill

Hannah Breckbill co-owns Humble Hands Harvest, a worker-owned cooperative farm in the Driftless region of Northeast Iowa growing organic vegetables, pastured pork, and grass fed and finished lamb. She’s passionate about sustainable land tenure for young and beginning farmers, hosts a Queer Farmer Convergence on her farm, organizes for local resilience to climate chaos, plants […]
Anié Henry

Anié is a neurodivergent autist who was born into a life at the intersection of multiple inequalities and discrimination. This created a unique set of circumstances that has led to the forefront of the fight for justice, equity, and access throughout our society. As a child, food insecurity led to an interest in feeding others, […]