A Path to Conservation and Farm Viability

Check out our fact sheets below for more information on steps land conservation organizations can take to create affordable land access opportunities and promote farm viability. Click on the images below to view PDFs. 

Step 1: Community Engagement

Step 2: Farmer Services 

Step 3: Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements

Step 4: Farmland Purchase

Step 5: Farm Viability Programs


Facilitating affordable farm ownership with an OPAV in practice

Vermont Land Trust Gets Land Back in Production With Discounted Sale to Deep Meadow Farm

In April of 2012, farmers Jon Cohen and Ruth Nangeroni bought a 59-acre property on the banks of the Connecticut River with the help of the Vermont Land Trust’s Farmland Access Program. Formerly the Kelley Farm, a well-known landmark in the Town of Weathersfield, the parcel had not been farmed for years.

Although Jon and Ruth had previously run a successful farm and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) business on leased land in Westminster for eight years, they would have been unable to afford such a large property without the Vermont Land Trust’s (VLT) support…[Read More]


Affirmative language in practice

Bill Barboni and the Marin Agricultural Land Trust

Bill Barboni II has led his family’s 100-year-old ranching business for 20 years. Located in Marin County, approximately 25 miles north of San Francisco, his ranch raises sheep and grass-fed, organic cattle. In December 2012, Bill’s family closed on the sale of agricultural conservation easements covering 1,2000 acres on two properties to the Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT). These easements differ from traditional conservation easements in the sense that they require continued agricultural production on the land…[Read More]


Farmers as conservation buyers in practice

PCC Farmland Trust Works with Farmers to Protect 100 Acres in Washington

Dan and Kim Hulse began farming vegetables in Enumclaw in Western Washington State in their mid-twenties. They established Terra Organics on leased land as a produce home delivery business with a CSA model. After two seasons, they decided leasing was too impermanent and looked for opportunities to buy land. Unfortunately, farmland was selling for $20,000 an acre, which they felt was not feasible for them as beginning farmers to afford…[Read More]

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