The Interbasin Compact Committee (IBCC) and the nine Basin Roundtables (RTs) were established in 2005 via HB 05-1177, also known as the “Colorado Water For The 21st Century Act.” RTs are housed within each of eight geographical river basins in Colorado, plus an additional basin that houses the Denver Metropolitan area (see Figure 1 below). 

Figure 1: Colorado Roundtable Areas Map

Basin Roundtables 

Colorado’s Basin Roundtables (BRTs) are responsible for overseeing and facilitating discussion on water management issues and encouraging locally driven collaborative solutions. BRTs are local public bodies with open meetings. Each BRT consists of members from the basin’s counties, municipalities, and conservation districts. The BRT will also appoint additional members representing various sector interests. For an overview of BRT members, click here. 

In 2015, each BRT created and published a Basin Implementation Plan (BIP) which establishes bylaws, operating procedures, goals, and objectives to govern the actions and decisions of the applicable roundtable. BIPs demonstrate the state’s emphasis on “bottom-up” or grassroots planning for resource allocation and continued management. Collaboration among state and local entities is crucial to effectively managing the precious resource in such an arid climate. Click here to access an interactive map to learn more about each Roundtable and Basin Implementation Plan.

Interbasin Compact Committee

In addition to the CWCB, Colorado has another statewide organization that convenes to make intrastate decisions on water — the Interbasin Compact Committee (IBCC). The IBCC is a 27-member committee made up of:

The IBCC’s intent is to provide a balanced forum for policy input across Colorado and shape planning initiatives through a focused discourse on the major policy challenges within and across the nine basin roundtables. Click here to view the chart listing current IBCC members.