The Produce Safety Rule requires covered farms to communicate with visitors about their food safety policies and procedures, take steps to make sure that visitors follow farm rules, and give them access to a toilet and a place to wash their hands. A few examples of what this could look like are below. They can be posted on the farm website or at the point of entry for the farm, and farm owners may want to have visitors sign the policy to ensure they have read it. Visitors may include volunteers, schools groups, contractors, interns, family members, u-pick customers, CSA members, etc.


This example comes from Sang Lee Farms in New York:

This sample policy comes from Cornell. Feel free to edit it to suit your needs:

Sample Visitor Health and Hygiene Policy


Stone Barns Center chose to post their visitor policy online:

Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture Visitor Information


Michigan State University Extension created this document to help growers write a visitor policy:

Visitor Policy Language