Volunteers, Visitors and Food Safety

Do you have volunteers or visitors on your farm? This tipsheet provides ideas for promoting food safety with everyone who comes onto your farm, including language to help you draft visitor and volunteer policies. Volunteers + Food Safety
Collective Farming Efforts and Food Safety

This tipsheet will help you think through food safety considerations when working collectively with other farms and farmers. This could take many different forms, including an aggregated CSA or farmshare, shared market table, farmers cooperative, etc. Collective Farming Efforts + Food Safety
Rainwater Harvesting and Food Safety

This tipsheet breaks down considerations for mitigating food safety risks when harvesting and using rainwater on fresh produce. Rainwater Catchment Tipsheet
Lean and Clean Workshop Recording and Resources
This workshop explored the framework of lean farming and how it can be applied to organize our farms while integrating produce safety and creating systems that work for us. We discussed the lean tools of 5S, spaghetti diagrams, and poka yoke, or mistake-proofing, and where these tools can help farmers prevent contamination of produce and […]
Food Safety Focus Group: Produce Safety for Urban Farms w/ Germaine Jenkins

Germaine Jenkins from Fresh Future Farm in South Carolina leads our focus group about produce safety for urban farms. Join us for a conversation about how to adapt produce safety for a growing urban farm. Focus Group Recording Focus Group Transcript Resources: Fresh Future Farm