Microbial Water Quality and Aquaponics
This guide from the University of Hawai’i-Mānoa dives into the risk posed by water and animal feces to an aquaponic produce farm compared to soil-based vegetable production and examines the quality of water in an aquaponics system. Microbial Water Quality and Aquaponics
Aquaponics and On-Farm Food Safety
This guide from the University of Hawai’i-Mānoa provides good agricultural practices (GAPs) for aquaponics farms, touching on produce safety concerns, how to harvest safely, and water sources. Aquaponics and On-Farm Food Safety
A Practical Guide to Aquaponics
This guide from the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension walks growers through the beginning considerations for implementing an aquaponics agricultural production system, including fish and plant choice and health, water source, nutrients, food safety, postharvest handling, and marketing. A Practical Guide to Aquaponics