By Lindsey Lusher Shute, NYFC Executive Director and Cofounder
As we near our 5th anniversary, NYFC is working to find new and innovative ways to fulfill our mission of representing, mobilizing, and engaging young farmers. We want to ensure the success of the farmers we serve and the organization we’ve built together.
Something we’re exploring is the possibility of offering affordable business services, such as customer relationship managers (“CRM”), insurance, retirement and savings products, and supplier discounts.
To learn more about what services would be most beneficial to farmers, we launched a survey two weeks ago, which more than 200 of you have already taken – thank you! The intent of the survey is to collect valuable information about the challenges and needs of farm businesses so we can determine how to develop services that meet the needs of our members.
If you haven’t already, please follow the link below and complete the survey. This is a chance for all members and supporters to participate in the process of growing NYFC and informing a project that strives to benefit all farmers.
What will these business services look like? That depends on the feedback we get from the survey, but here’s a little more information about a few of the things we’re considering:
Customer Relationship Manager
A CRM is business software that contains a broad set of applications designed to help businesses manage customer data and customer interaction; access business information, automate sales; marketing and customer support; and also manage employee, vendor, and partner relationships.
Field and Data Management Software
This is typically software or a component of CRM software that helps with field and farm planning and provides data relevant to farm operations.
Here are just a few types of insurance we might consider offering depending on survey results: Barn/building, home, vehicle, general liability, inventory, land liability, renters, and equipment.
Purchasing Discounts
NYFC members already receive discounts on tools, seeds, equipment, and other products that farmers use every day. Suggestions for additional purchasing discounts can be made via the survey.
If you have questions or feedback about business services or our survey, contact Ena Kumar.