Latest from Young Farmers

GMO Contamination: Coming to a farm near you?

Young farmers and supporters!  As an organization focused on sustainable agriculture for the next generation, we’re excited to be a part of the push for better laws around GMO contamination. 

Today we’re asking you to take a few minutes to send in a comment to the USDA before next Tuesday to tell them why GMO contamination is an important issue for you and your farm.  See below for more information from our friends at the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, who are taking a lead on addressing this threat.

Farmers and eaters: if you care about GMO issues, USDA needs to hear from you! We have until March 4 to tell the USDA to protect farmers and our food supply from GMO contamination!

Grain field, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Grain Field, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Right now, farmers who don’t raise GMO crops must shoulder all of the costs and burdens of trying to prevent contamination from GMOs – even when the contamination is out of their control (such as when pollen is carried across fields by bees). This is a huge problem for farmers and eaters:

  • For organic farmers, GMO contamination means they can’t sell their crop as organic!
  • For eaters, GMO contamination limits our ability to choose what we feed ourselves and our families.

USDA is seeking comments from the public on on how farmers who raise genetically modified (GMO) crops and those who don’t can coexist, and we need to tell them: We can’t have coexistence between GMO and non-GMO farmers without fairness for all farmers!

Get informed, take action, & spread the word: