Latest from Young Farmers

Your food safety questions answered live next week!

City Grown Seattle - Noe harvesting chardWe have less than a month and a half until the comment period on the proposed food safety laws closes!  These new rules stand to have a huge impact on the way all farms and ranches operate – even beginning farmers – and it’s crucial that we submit comments to help shape the way the rules are written.

Thanks to everyone who has been in touch with us about organizing a letter writing party.  We are getting excited about the upcoming National Day of Action on October 20th to gather hundreds of letters to the FDA from all over the countryHaven’t signed up yet?  It’s as simple as getting a few friends together to discuss and write a letter about your farm – we do the rest!  (We’ve got info packets waiting for you, with background sheets, recommendations, guides to commenting, etc.)

But wait, I want to know more about these food safety regulations you keep talking about!

Google hangoutWell you are in luck!  The policy gurus at the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition have agreed to speak with NYFC and the beginning farmer community twice next week, to make sure you’ve got the info you need and set us on track for some effective comments.

These google hangouts will happen live on Sunday 10/6 at 5 pm EST and Tuesday 10/8 at 5 pm EST.  You choose the time that works best for you.  Both will include an analysis of the rules and a breakdown of the action. First, Ariane from NSAC will help us understand exactly what’s in the proposed rules and what it means for farmers. Then Wes from NYFC will tell everyone about our National Day of Action and give tips for planning successful letter-writing parties. Then there will be time for questions!

Again, the times are:

Sunday 10/6 at 5 pm EST, 2 pm PST, and

Tuesday 10/8 at 5 pm EST, 2 pm PST

And you can find access the videos live (or afterward) at the NYFC FSMA Hangout Page.

The hangout should only be an hour. The videos will also be accessible later, but make sure to try to watch live.  You’ll be able to throw your toughest questions at Ariane (and don’t be ashamed to ask some simple questions too!).

Any questions can be sent to Wes at – looking forward to “hanging out” with you soon!