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Take a Stand in DC to Challenge Monsanto's Aggression Against Family Farmers

Farmers Against Monsanto, courtesy of
Farmers Against Monsanto, courtesy of

If you’re able to be in Washington, DC tomorrow (Thursday, January 10th), please come out to stand in solidarity with the 30 farmers fighting to defend American agriculture.  They will will be appealing their landmark court case challenging Monsanto’s abusive patent infringement lawsuits and could use your support!

The assembly will take place at 10 AM at Lafayette Square (H Street between 15th and 17th Streets, NW).  Read more about the assembly and sign the Principles of Assembly here.

The court case was filed to protect farmers from genetic trespass by Monsanto’s GMO seed, which can contaminate non-GMO crops and then open those farmers up to lawsuits.  In many cases, farmers have been forced to stop growing certain crops so as to avoid genetic comtaminations and lawsuits.  According to Food Democracy Now, “between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto admits to filing 144 lawsuits against America’s family farmers, while settling another 700 out of court for undisclosed amounts.”  This aggression has created an “atmosphere of fear” across the country.

A Brief Overview of OSGATA et al vs Monsanto (courtesy of

OSGATA logoOrganic Seed Growers & Trade Association et al. v. Monsanto was filed in federal district court in Manhattan, NY, on March 29, 2011, on behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and agricultural  organizations and challenges Monsanto’s patents on genetically modified seed. Following an oral hearing in January of 2012, Judge Naomi Buchwald sided with Monsanto in honoring their motion to dismiss. On July 5, 2012 the plaintiff group −which has grown to represent over 300,000 individuals and 4,500 farms− filed a brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C., asking  the appellate court to reverse the lower court’s decision from February dismissing protective legal action against agricultural giant Monsanto’s patents on genetically engineered seed.

More Information on the Rally and on the Campaign: