NYFC has joined with the Land Stewardship Project and other agriculture organizations around the country in signing on to an organizational letter to Congress calling for proper investment in USDA programs supporting a bright future for American agriculture when they reconvene after the election.
The letter urges action on a new farm bill along with inclusion/investment in two key programs: the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and the Outreach and Assistance to Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Rancher Program. Both of these programs are included in the draft Senate and House Ag Committee bills but both have also expired and have no future funding. As popular and in high-demand programs to lose them in the next year would be a travesty.
If you work with another ag-based organization, please consider signing on as well! The petition is available here. The deadline to join is November 2, 2012. The LSP will deliver the letter to House and Senate agriculture leadership the week of November 12.