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Learn the Skills to Pay the Bills: Hawthorne Valley Farm Offers 8-Session Course!

Attention all aspiring young farmers!


Beginning Saturday October 13th Hawthorne Valley Farm (Harlemville, NY) will be offering an eight-session course. The class will provide in-depth guidance and education on the financial in’s and out’s of running a farm enterprise. And it’s only $50 to enroll!


The class will take place bi-monthly from October 2012 through January 2013. During the sessions enrolled students will meet with regional farmers, tour farms, and learn about how to start a farm enterprise. Starting in March 2013, students will be given individual mentoring sessions. In the months of April and May 2013, students will have four “field days.” According to the program website, field days give students the chance to, “spend a day on a farm of interest, gain insight into the farm operation, ask questions of an experienced farmer, learn of the challenges and rewards of someone in the business.” In total, the class provides 482 hours of education for (did I mention?) only $50.


The focus of the program includes:

● Goal setting

● Sound financial management

● Strategic planning to scale up the farming operation

● Access to support networks & colleagues


Class sessions will include include:

●  Clarifying your values: setting personal and strategic goals.

●  Analyzing your situation: strengths, weaknesses and opportunities.

●  How to manage your most important asset: your land.

● Creating a strategy for developing your farm over a number of years

● Marketing your products

●  Distribution options and how to develop a pricing strategy.

●  Assembling the financial data: budgeting and your beliefs about money.

●  Land access and tenure: lease agreements


The information provided in this course is potentially invaluable, and the $50 is a great offer!


“Aspiring and current farmers, those in transition from conventional to sustainable agriculture, second career farm entrepreneurs, and landowners interested in developing farming enterprises on their land,” are all encouraged to attend.

For more information or to access a registration application,

Call: 518-672-7500 x 232,


or visit